I saw Katie
banananananananana I saw Katie today!! :P
We were silly and crazy and had fun and massages at Hillsongwomen.
We parodied a few of the girly songs playing: Oh-oh-oh, totally Katie (Shania Twain)....you make me want to be Katie (Nichole Nordeman).
Some really strange person (or maybe there were 2) kept tickling us.
I love Katie!
I saw Katie this weekend and it was so awesome to be able to hang out. I'm extremely tired coz we didn't leave her place until 2amish but it was so worth it! Miss ya already gorgeous!
Hey guys, so i am home for the weekend atm, and mercy life has been goin pretty good, but very full on. I miss you all soooo much, but i know that this will be worth it. Your prayers would be muchly appreciated, as i am struggling a bit atm, but i know that i will get through this.
I'm pretty out of it atm, so i'm gonna head to bed, and i'll try to write somethin more b4 i head bak. *hugz* to all!
WARNING: brinawashing alert!
woohoo! (and the people sing) because Katie's going home :)
why is this blog so
pink? I think we should call it the 'we love Katie but are trying to brinawash (OK, so I meant 'brainwash', but maybe 'brinawash' can mean being brainwashed by people who are too insane to even stick to real words ;)) her into loving pink' blog :P
And I thought to myself, you know, that's a good point! But thanks for 'a meaningful relationship that's headed straight for heaven', even though we're not next door neighbours and are more inclined towards chocolate than houseplants.
Hope you have the bestest weekend in Parkes (even though I can't be there).
Oh, and I thought up a new line to make people think I'm smart. It all started because I was confused, and out flowed 'life is a puzzle, try not to lose too many pieces'. I'm not losing you, Katsie LouLou!! Woohoo!
Anyways, this is a really random insane post because I am a really random insane person in a really random insane mood...but keep it a secret, we wouldn't want the whole world wide web to find out!
And my soon-to-be-famous last words are 'Beware of your brinawashing friends, Katsie!!' They're coming to take me away, ha ha....
Oh! Wait!! I'll see you again sometime, coming soon to a megachurch near you!
Hi Katie!
I love you!
Say hi to Henry for me..
I am glad things are going good there.
Keep up with the counselling....
oh this weekend is "the weekend yeah"